Labor Day Weekend

At my old job I hated holidays. Holidays meant working and working longer hours. I am now among the masses that actually gets holidays off. I like holidays now 🙂

Today I had a nice relaxing afternoon at a picnic. I met some new people and learned more about people I already knew. I’ve been under a lot of personal stress lately and today did my soul a lot of good. I also learned that a turkey can be cooked in a garbage can! I don’t eat meat, but it did smell good and everyone said it was juicy and delicious. I want to see if I can talk my Mom or sister (depending on where Thanksgiving is this year) into trying the same thing.

Tomorrow I have another picnic planned, which I am also looking forward to going to.

This week I managed to get a couple decent pictures of the chickens playing with the Stupid Garden Eating Rabbits (or are the rabbits playing with the chickens?)

OK – is this the weirdest thing or what?

I guess I should be happy that they all get along 🙂


*cough* Alright, I think I’ve figured it out – take vitamins, get your flu shot, keep bundled up in cold weather… turn yourself into a mucus-making machine. Got it. *cough* *cough*

It started last Saturday and I’ve gone through just about every phase you can think of associated with cold and flu season. *sniffle*

All plans for the weekend have been cancelled. Lots of rest and pampering for me 🙂 *cough*

On a lighter note – I don’t know if it’s just me or not, but it seems like there are a lot more people this year with their houses all lit up with Christmas lights. I haven’t seen very many of the holiday inflatables on the front lawns, but just about everyone has lights up. It makes for a really pretty ride home from work. Not that I am ready for snow yet, but I can imagine how much prettier all the lights would look with snow on the ground…

Egads – I can believe Christmas is only 20 days away!!!!



So on an every day basis, are people more thankful when things are going well or when they are going terrible? Do people forget or don’t think about being thankful when everything is going their way? Or are people so angry when life stinks that they refuse to be thankful for the good things that they *do* have?

Thanksgiving is a good holiday, because most people think about being thankful, no matter what is going on in their lives.

Yay for Thanksgiving!


I survived the hectic Thanksgiving week pretty well. The things that I was stressing the most about didn’t go as horrible as I imagined they could of.

Isn’t it funny how you can picture something in your mind, get all worked up about it and when the time/moment actually arrives, it turns out to be not so bad? I think that politeness on the part of others had a lot to do with that, though. But regardless, I like it when reality is nicer than my imagination 🙂 Then again, as Benjamin Franklin once said (or so I’ve heard): It’s better to anticipate and be prepared for the worst than expect the best and be unprepared or disappointed.

I am amazed to see the number of people who have their Christmas lights up and on outside their houses already. While I don’t mind Christmas music starting the day after Thanksgiving, I think that it’s still too early for the Christmas lights yet. Once December hits, then it’s OK. But that’s just me.

I was looking at the list of Christmas shows for the month of December listed in today’s TV Topics. There were a lot of the old classics, but there was also a bunch of them that I would never put on my ‘must see’ list for the holiday. I will pass on Shrek the Halls the COPS Ho Ho Ho special edition for sure…